Functional category : ABC transporters

Name : ABC transporters
Organism : Tetraodon nigroviridis
Description : Transporters that include the ATP Binding Cassette (ABC). All known peroxisomes have at least one ABC transporter, therefore are highly conserved throughout the evolution. For example, in mammals, there are 4 peroxisomal ABC transporters: ABCD1, ABCD2, ABCD3 and ABCD4. Lack of function of ABCD1, or Ald, causes a severe human disease: the X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy.
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[top] Image description : Lipid metabolism

Lipid metabolism
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[top] Image description : Phylogenetic tree of ABCDs

Phylogenetic tree of ABCDs

Phylogenetic tree of ABCDs. The philogenetic distribution for ABCD1, ABCD2, ABCD3, ABCD4, and the fungal PXA1 and PXA2 is displayed. The scale length indicates 0.5 substitutions per site. The incomplete sequences are not represented in order to show reliability of the phylogenetic distribution. Human: H. sapiens, Chimp: P. troglodytes, Dog: C. familiaris, Cow: B. Taurus, Mouse: M. musculus, Rat: R. norvegicus, Chicken: G. gallus, Tetra: T. nigroviridis, Fugu: T. rubripes, Zebraf: D. rerio, Frog: X. tropicalis, Ciona: C. intestinalis, Cele: C. elegans, Brig: C. briggsae, Honeybee: A. mellifera, Mosquito: A. gambiae, Ylipo: Y. lipolytica, Afum: A. fumigatus, Ncras: N. crassa, Pchry: P. chrysosporium, Cneo: C. neoformans, Dhans: D. hansenii, Klac: K. lactis, Egos: E. gossypii, Scer: S. cerevisiae, Cgla: C. glabrata, Lmajor: L. major, Ddisc: D. discoïdeum, Cmer: C. merolae, Rice: O. sativa, Atha: A. thaliana, Tpseu: T. pseudonana.