PEX13 by Pubmed references

2009 Singh Singh Plant J. Molecular components required for the targeting of PEX7 to peroxisomes in Arabidopsis thaliana.[Pubmed]
2009 Emilie Verplaetse Biochim. Biophys. Acta Identification, characterization and essentiality of the unusual peroxin 13 from Trypanosoma brucei.[Pubmed]
2009 Silke Grunau Traffic Peroxisomal targeting of PTS2 pre-import complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.[Pubmed]
2007 Kazumasa Nito Plant Cell Physiol. Functional classification of Arabidopsis peroxisome biogenesis factors proposed from analyses of knockdown mutants.[Pubmed]
2006 Daniela Kerssen J. Biol. Chem. Membrane association of the cycling peroxisome import receptor Pex5p.[Pubmed]
2006 Wolfgang Girzalsky J. Biol. Chem. Pex19p-dependent targeting of Pex17p, a peripheral component of the peroxisomal protein import machinery.[Pubmed]
2006 Shoji Mano Plant J. The Arabidopsis pex12 and pex13 mutants are defective in both PTS1- and PTS2-dependent protein transport to peroxisomes.[Pubmed]
2006 Ryota Itoh J. Biol. Chem. Functional domains and dynamic assembly of the peroxin Pex14p, the entry site of matrix proteins.[Pubmed]
2006 Tam Nguyen J. Cell. Sci. Failure of microtubule-mediated peroxisome division and trafficking in disorders with reduced peroxisome abundance.[Pubmed]
2006 Cindy Krause Hum. Mutat. Identification of novel mutations in PEX2, PEX6, PEX10, PEX12, and PEX13 in Zellweger spectrum patients.[Pubmed]
2006 Chris Williams Biochim. Biophys. Acta Pex13p: docking or cargo handling protein?[Pubmed]
2005 Annette Schell-Steven Mol. Cell. Biol. Identification of a novel, intraperoxisomal pex14-binding site in pex13: association of pex13 with the docking complex is essential for peroxisomal matrix protein import.[Pubmed]
2005 João Costa-Rodrigues J. Biol. Chem. Pex5p, the peroxisomal cycling receptor, is a monomeric non-globular protein.[Pubmed]
2004 Marc Fransen J. Biol. Chem. Potential role for Pex19p in assembly of PTS-receptor docking complexes.[Pubmed]
2003 Birgit Agne Mol. Cell Pex8p: an intraperoxisomal organizer of the peroxisomal import machinery.[Pubmed]
2003 Xinji Pires J. Mol. Biol. The ScPex13p SH3 domain exposes two distinct binding sites for Pex5p and Pex14p.[Pubmed]
2003 Megan Maxwell Mol. Cell. Biol. Pex13 inactivation in the mouse disrupts peroxisome biogenesis and leads to a Zellweger syndrome phenotype.[Pubmed]
2003 Ben Geuze Mol. Biol. Cell Involvement of the endoplasmic reticulum in peroxisome formation.[Pubmed]
2002 Alice Douangamath Mol. Cell Topography for independent binding of alpha-helical and PPII-helical ligands to a peroxisomal SH3 domain.[Pubmed]
2002 Katharina Stein Mol. Cell. Biol. Interactions of Pex7p and Pex18p/Pex21p with the peroxisomal docking machinery: implications for the first steps in PTS2 protein import.[Pubmed]
2002 Jonas Bjorkman Genesis Conditional inactivation of the peroxisome biogenesis Pex13 gene by Cre-loxP excision.[Pubmed]
2002 Jonas Björkman Genomics Pex13, the mouse ortholog of the human peroxisome biogenesis disorder PEX13 gene: gene structure, tissue expression, and localization of the protein to peroxisomes.[Pubmed]
2002 Hidenori Otera Mol. Cell. Biol. Peroxisomal targeting signal receptor Pex5p interacts with cargoes and import machinery components in a spatiotemporally differentiated manner: conserved Pex5p WXXXF/Y motifs are critical for matrix protein import.[Pubmed]
2001 Johnson Johnson Plant Physiol. Building new models for peroxisome biogenesis.[Pubmed]
2001 Jones Jones J. Cell Biol. Multiple distinct targeting signals in integral peroxisomal membrane proteins.[Pubmed]
2001 M Fransen Mol. Cell. Biol. Human pex19p binds peroxisomal integral membrane proteins at regions distinct from their sorting sequences.[Pubmed]
2001 Y Suzuki J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. Clinical, biochemical and genetic aspects and neuronal migration in peroxisome biogenesis disorders.[Pubmed]
2000 P Barnett EMBO J. The peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p shows a novel mode of SH3 interaction.[Pubmed]
2000 G Bottger Mol. Biol. Cell Saccharomyces cerevisiae PTS1 receptor Pex5p interacts with the SH3 domain of the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p in an unconventional, non-PXXP-related manner.[Pubmed]
2000 D Urquhart J. Biol. Chem. Interaction of Pex5p, the type 1 peroxisome targeting signal receptor, with the peroxisomal membrane proteins Pex14p and Pex13p.[Pubmed]
1999 N Shimozawa Hum. Mol. Genet. Nonsense and temperature-sensitive mutations in PEX13 are the cause of complementation group H of peroxisome biogenesis disorders.[Pubmed]
1999 W Girzalsky J. Cell Biol. Involvement of Pex13p in Pex14p localization and peroxisomal targeting signal 2-dependent protein import into peroxisomes.[Pubmed]
1999 R Toyama Hum. Mol. Genet. Isolation, characterization and mutation analysis of PEX13-defective Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants.[Pubmed]
1998 J Björkman Genomics Genomic structure of PEX13, a candidate peroxisome biogenesis disorder gene.[Pubmed]
1996 R Erdmann J. Cell Biol. Identification of Pex13p a peroxisomal membrane receptor for the PTS1 recognition factor.[Pubmed]
1996 Y Elgersma J. Cell Biol. The SH3 domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p functions as a docking site for Pex5p, a mobile receptor for the import PTS1-containing proteins.[Pubmed]