PEX4 by Pubmed references

2009 Melanie Lingard Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Peroxisome-associated matrix protein degradation in Arabidopsis.[Pubmed]
2007 Kazumasa Nito Plant Cell Physiol. Functional classification of Arabidopsis peroxisome biogenesis factors proposed from analyses of knockdown mutants.[Pubmed]
2007 Chris Williams J. Biol. Chem. A conserved cysteine is essential for Pex4p-dependent ubiquitination of the peroxisomal import receptor Pex5p.[Pubmed]
2007 Fouzi Platta J. Cell Biol. Ubiquitination of the peroxisomal import receptor Pex5p is required for its recycling.[Pubmed]
2007 Daniel Lockshon Genetics The sensitivity of yeast mutants to oleic acid implicates the peroxisome and other processes in membrane function.[Pubmed]
2005 Melanie Zolman Plant Cell Identification and functional characterization of Arabidopsis PEROXIN4 and the interacting protein PEROXIN22.[Pubmed]
2005 Astrid Kragt J. Biol. Chem. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisomal import receptor Pex5p is monoubiquitinated in wild type cells.[Pubmed]
2004 Wolfgang Platta Biochem. J. Ubiquitination of the peroxisomal import receptor Pex5p.[Pubmed]
2003 Nils Eckert J. Cell. Sci. Pex10p links the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Pex4p to the protein import machinery of the peroxisome.[Pubmed]